Thursday, January 19, 2006

Munich - Courage revealed

The Israeli's are the people whom I admire the most, in my life. Its due to a mixture of sympathy,courage and their wisdom. I have always been fascinated by the secret wars and counter terrorism of the IDF & Mossad.

I was really delighted to know , when the news first came out, about Spielberg's idea of making a film based on the post munich massacre(Where 11 Isralei Athletes, were brutally murdered using grenades and automatic weapons) by a terrorist group or sypathisers of PLO called Black september. The film is based on a book Vengeance : The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team . As I had read many articles, regarding the Mosssad and Sayeret Matkal(The best elite commando force of Israel), I am really longing to see this movie.

Though I have not seen the movie, nor have read any reviews, but this movie would be worth to watching. Its about the Israle's reply to the PLO & Black September. The Mossad forms a group of agents, who are to track down each and every terrorists invloved in the Munich massacre. The beautiful part is, they were indeed able to kill 8 of the conspirators/Invlovers. Remaining 1 died naturally, two were assasinated(Not confirmed, if by mossad).

During this operation, Sayeret Matkal had played a vital role in the "Operation Spring of youth", were the Mossad along with Sayeret Matkal commandos, made surprise assault on three Terrorists dominated placess in Lisbon, where they were able to wipe 3 main leaders of PLO, and another 100 terrorists.

Still dont know the dates, when its being released in Bangalore. Was cheking the IMDB charts, but to my surprise, it has been dropped from 6th position last week to 11 position this week. But, I thing, people who are not aware of the Mossad and its secret wars, wont find it interesting.

Other Major Israeli Operation, worth to be known:

1. Sayeret Matkal Assult on Green Island
2. Operation Jonathan or Raid on Entebbe
In respct of Col Jonathan Netyanahu, one of the best Officiers Mossad had, unfortuntely the only victim who died in this operation, which was led by him, killed by Ugandan Militiry, shot in the back